Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I'm a Crap Blogger

I told you so.  I knew when I started this that I'd be total crap at blogging.  You know why?  We'll I'll tell you why.  Because I have a life.  It may be a bit of a closed in small life but it's a life none the less.  When I have to prioritize my life blogging rates pretty low on the list.  So sorry to anyone that actually thought they may be able to get an update from me regularly.

So all this got me thinking about why I even started a blog that I knew I'd just let go by the wayside.  I wanted to write a blog to get people to go the the websites where I post the stories I've written so that more people would read them.  I'm an attention whore apparently...humm well that explains a lot.

Anyway it's not really working because most of the people that read this blog are actually following the link on my profile from one of the sites I want people to go to.  You all see the problem with that right?  *Bangs head on keyboard at the stupidity of it all.*

I have no idea how to get the word out about the blog or about my writing.  When I think about actually posting about my stories somewhere on another site for instance, The Slash Pile, I get a wave of nerves that my stuff isn't good enough. (Don't start in on the editing, I know they need some polish but I'm also lazy.  Would you rather have perfect punctuation or more story??)  I shouldn't recommend that people read my stuff.  Someone else should love my writing so much that they recommend it to others but since no one has then obviously it's not good enough.  Right?

See my dilemma?  I lack confidence in my skill and sites like Fictionpress don't help much since I know people are reading my story but few people bother to leave a comment on any of them. (I refuse to beg for reviews, it's undignified.)  Except Jester79, who unfailingly leaves me a review on every chapter so far and I love that...I love you Jester79!  Without that one review for each chapter, I'd give it up.

I have a couple of my stories posted on Adult Fan Fiction or AFF as it's known and my most popular story there has over 175 reviews while the same story on FP only has 77 as of today even though the stats tell me that far more people are viewing it on FP.  I'm lost as to what to do with myself sometimes.  I'd be happy for a couple of people to just tell me my writing sucks and to give it up because then at least I'd know what the heck was up. (Now don't you all line up to tell me I suck just because I said you could.)

Sorry I got off track there for a minute...I promise not to rant anymore about reviews and all that crap.

So where was I...Oh right, I'm too scared to toot my own horn because I'm afraid that my stuff is not up to snuff and people will be all like, "Dude, I wasted my time on that one!"  So I just let the people trickle in and read as they will.  I hope that the ones that do find my page like the stories that they find there and will maybe pass them on to a friend or two but if they don't *shrugs* not a lot I can do about that right?

So in conclusion this rambling post had only one point...I'm a crap blogger.

Next post:  Who knows when I'll be back to post again but I've decided that maybe if I just write rambling posts about whatever pops into my head, maybe I'll get better at blogging and do more of it.  Stay tuned...