Monday, February 16, 2015

Please Excuse Me I'm Old School...

Maybe you can tell, I'm new to the whole blogging thing.  I have a confession to make.  I'm new to all of this.  Not just the blogging.  Sure I've had a computer and a connection to the internet since 1997.  Don't believe me?  I can prove it.  I still have and use my original AOL email address.  Yep you heard me, I. Still. Use. AOL.

I get unlimited amounts of groans from my two teenage sons every time my computer blurts out "You've got mail."  It's always greeted with giggles and jeers from one kid to the other of "Your mama's so old she still uses AOL."  I don't let it bother me because I like AOL, it's familiar, it works for what I need it to and I can remember my email address and password.

Up until a couple of months ago, I just used my computer to look at Facebook, get book recommendations on Goodreads and Google random facts (seriously random, like when did the first Nintendo Gameboy come out and what was it's original cost?).  Then of course I started writing and remembered that I'd read a few unpublished books on websites like Fictionpress.

I decided to start posting my writing on Fictionpress,  That was an experience all it's own but I managed it without once having to ask even my eight year old for help.  There were a few bumps but overall I have to say I did fairly well.  Then as I started looking at what other people were doing, mostly promoting their stories on other sites, I started to look into all the ways people connected and shared things on the internet.

Now don't laugh...I had no idea what LightJournal, Tumblr, or any of those other sites like them were.  I have heard of twitter but my kids gave up trying to explain to me what the hell the whole hashtag thing was all about, even going so far as to post a status on facebook with #mymomisacluelessnoob.  I'm still confused as to what that's all about but maybe someday they'll come out with an old people's handbook for twitter and it will explain it in old school English that I can understand.

So what?  You ask.  What does this have to do with anything?  Well I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have no clue as to what I'm doing.  I just read somewhere that if you want to get your name out there and get people to actually read what you've written you have to have a blog.  You have to get people to read your blog (no idea how I'm supposed to do that),  

I even Googled 'how often should I update my blog' to see because I have no clue about blogging.  I almost got sidetracked by the second option on Google which of course was 'how often should I poop' but I managed to stay on track and found that some people blog everyday!  No way you're getting me to do that, what the heck would I say?  So what you can take away from that information is that I have no schedule.  I'll blog whenever the urge strikes I guess.

Also there will be no theme for this blog.  It will probably be random stuff for the most part because that's just who I am.  Of course I'll use it to keep my FP readers updated on my current writing but that would take exactly two sentences and make for some pretty dry reading.

Anyway, I'll be here rambling about something if you're interested.

Next Blog post:  I'm going to have brief summaries of the stories that I have posted on FP and maybe some progress reports.  (See I've already got a plan, go me!)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

So this being my first post, I figured I should probably introduce myself and maybe explain the name of my blog so nobody calls the men in white to take me away.

So a little about me, I'm an American originally from the great state of Minnesota but I currently live in Sarajevo, BiH.  I'm happily married and have four sons.  I like to read and write and an occasional glass of red wine.

I recently started writing.  My stories are of the M/M romance genre but most of them have to do with the fluidity of sexuality.  I like to explore the notion that sometimes it's not the sex of the person so much as it is the actual person that we fall in love with.  If you're interested in reading anything I've written you can find the stories here

So then here's a little more about me to help you understand why I decided to start writing.  Ever since I was a little kid, I'd make up stories in my head.  Most of the time it was just because I was bored.  I did it everywhere.  I'd tell myself stories while I was getting ready for school, eating,  going to school, studying, swimming and sometimes even when I was reading another story (the authors never gave me enough, I had to add on).

I have a very active imagination.  It continues to keep me entertained even to this day.  Of course my school days are behind me now so the stories now accompany me while I do dishes and wash laundry.  I'm a wife and mother now but my kids are all in school so that leaves me with a lot of time to fill.

A few months ago I decided that I'd try to write out some of the stories that were entertaining me and see if they could entertain anyone else.  Hence this blog.  So far I've been busy tapping away on my keyboard for as long as the people in my house will allow.  Between the actual people in my life and the ones in my head, I'm a very busy person.

So that's where the Living With the People in My Head title comes from.  I have so many different people clomping around up there that sometimes it feels a little too crowded.  I've found that when I get them out on the page they quiet down some, not needing as much attention from me.  At first that discovery made me do a little jig (woohoo, a little peace and quiet up there) but I soon realized that for everyone I evicted, it seemed that two more moved in.

I'm not sure that I'll ever get them all out but I guess I'll die trying.